David’s been having a language explosion, this past week. It really is incredible to think that two weeks ago, he only regularly said about a dozen different words, eleven of which were “basketball.” ;-) Now, who knows? He’s definitely communicating, though! Yesterday morning, when I opened the blinds on our sliding glass door, he noticed his water table in the back yard and told Daddy, quite intelligibly: “Water table!” I guess he knows what he likes!
Tonight, though, Leah took the cake. Mommy had gotten a pound of beef out of the freezer, this morning, to defrost for sweet-and-sour meatballs. Leah apparently noticed this and asked Mommy what it was, to which Mommy replied that it was beef for supper. Well, say what you will about Leah, but there’s nothing wrong with her memory. As we were sitting down at dinner, she dug through her bowl inquisitively before finally turning to Daddy and asking, “Where’s the beef?!”
If only she knew….